General Schedule Settings

Set up your schedule with the correct settings.


First day of the calendar year

Usually, most schedules will have calendars that start on January 1st; however, some companies may prefer to start their schedules on a different date, such as the beginning of the fiscal year. You can set the "first day" of your annual calendar to any day of the year.

First day of the week

While Sunday is usually considered the first day of the week, many schedules will want to start the week on Mondays because the weekends are often treated as one block. For example, whoever is working on Saturday will typically work on Sunday.

How much time is considered "full-time"

In order for Versaschedule to distribute work equitably, we need to know how you define a "full-time" employee. Typically, a full-time employee works 40 hours per week and 8 hours per day.

How many tasks can an employee be assigned to each day?

Versaschedule will abide by the maximum shifts allowed per day per employee. Of course, you can override this by adding an employee to the schedule manually, if necessary.