Important settings for each staff

Here are a few important settings you'll need to make for each staff member before creating your first schedule.


Which tasks are each employee qualified to perform?

Make sure to assign tasks that each staff member is qualified to perform. Click on "Assign Task" to do so and check of each task that this staff member is allowed to cover. If you forget to assign any tasks to a staff member, then they will never be assigned to any tasks in your schedule!

Adjusting the distribution of work

By default, we will allocated tasks as equally as possible amongst all eligible staff members. However, you can adjust this allocation by using the slider to either increase or decrease the amount of times a given staff member is allocated that particular task relative to their peers. For example, if you want someone to be allocated 25% more of a given task compared to other staff, then set the slider to 25% for that task.

Enter work day preferences for each employee

By default, each employee will be eligible to work everyday of the week including holidays. You can changed these settings in the Work Day Preferences section by simply checking and unchecking the days that apply. For example, check the box for Monday and Tuesday, if you want a staff member to work only Mondays and Tuesdays.

Why are some employees not being assigned to a given task?

Double check that this employee has been assigned this task and the employee is working on the day of the week that this task is active.